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Background of the Study

The wide spread of maternal and infant mortality rate worldwide calls for

the attention of health workers agencies government and non

governmental organization (NGOs). It was estimated globally that about

600000 women die yearly from causes related to pregnancy childbirth

or other related complications (WHO 2005). Maternal mortality in

Nigeria is still high and second highest globally with 602 per 100000

deliveries apart from India being the leading country globally

(Osaigbovo 2011)..

The maternal mortality is as a result of bleeding after birth hypertension

and post deliver infection (Sepsis).

Chioma (2011) reported that maternal mortality rate in Nigeria which is

the second highest globally estimates shows that 545 per 100000

deliveries is as a result of the three delays. Delay in seeking medical

care delay in transportation and delay in providing care.

Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) of 1999 by the Federal Ministry

of Health (2003) indicates a huge zonal disparity of maternal mortality

rate higher in North-East. Maternal mortality in Nigeria is 1000/100000

mortality rate. One Nigerian woman dies every ten minute. in the North

East (Bauchi inclusive) zone the maternal mortality ratio is 1549/10000

birth compared to 165/100000 live birth in the South West Zone

(FMOH 2005).

Jalloh (2007) noted that maternal mortality stands at an alarming rate of

704 for every 100000 live birth infant mortality stands at 105 per 1000

while under five mortality rate is 178 per 1000.

The alarming rate of maternal mortality globally is a source of concern.

the mortality is caused by complications ranging from haemorrhage

sepsis hypertension disorders obstructed labour anaemia malaria and

of course unsafe abortion a such it has prompted some international

bodies and agencies to design a simple and cost effective strategies that

can be used to reduce the maternal mortality rate worldwide.

This strategy is called “The life saving skills” (LSS) training for


Mahmood (1977) noted that safe motherhood is a global affair initiated

by the World Health Organization to reduce maternal mortality and

morbidity. Thereby improving the lots of women health.

In line with the above the study covers all the components of life saving

skills (LSS) which acts as a prelude towards safe motherhood through a

combination of strategy such as increasing the availability and

effectiveness of maternal and child services. Some of such services are

quality antenatal care safe delivery and post partum care early

detection and management of complications providing access to

essential obstetric care including emergency care to all women who

need it. others are increasing the availability and accessibility of family

planning services birth preparedness and readiness for complications

information to reduce high risk strategies to ensure proper

implementation of life saving skills programme and strategies to address

the special needs of the newborn which includes active resuscitation

warmth provision breast feeding and prevention of sepsis other policies

which safe motherhood is concern with in the training of midwives.

Life Saving Skill (LSS) are skills which enable nurses/midwives

recognized and respond to emergencies and take action when problems

occur in pregnancy labour and postpartum (Adeyemi 2005).

The training emphasizes with the clinical practice and provides

nurses/midwives with as much experience as it takes to master the

skills. It produce competent and confident midwifery skills and save the

lives of women and babies.

The programme life saving skills (LSS) was introduced in Nigeria in 1992

on a pilot basis. Bauchi state was chosen as one of the pilot centres of

the project for a year.

At the completion of the pilot test it was concluded that the project is

workable and very effective for reducing maternal and infant mortality.

It was therefore recommended that the project be sustained and

extended to other states of the federation (Mahmood 2002).

It become a thing of concern to note with all the training and relevance

of life saving skills identified that the effort of government and non

governmental organisations toward ensuring safe motherhood maternal

and infant mortality and morbidity is still high.

Statement of the Problem

Despite government efforts aimed at reducing maternal mortality in

Nigeria mortality rate in Nigeria is still high and second globally with

602 per 100000 live birth (Osaigbovo 2011) in North-east recording a

higher percentage.

Interest was placed on the area of study when the researcher noted that

despite all the effort of state government and non governmental

organisation towards ensuring safe motherhood through training of

midwives and introducing life saving skills in clinics and hospitals in

Bauchi metropolitan still record from statistic of 2010 shows that in

every three month deliveries there is 2 death as a result of anaemia

sepsis malaria haemorrhage.

Based on the foregoing this study seeks to assess the evaluation of the

implementation of life savings skill programme in clinics and hospitals in

Bauchi metropolitan.

Purpose of the Study

This study is to evaluate the implementation of LSS in clinics and

hospitals in Bauchi metropolitan. The study seek to:

1) Identify facilities available for the implementation of LSS in clinics

and hospitals in Bauchi metropolitan.

2) Determine the resources available for the implementation of LSS in

clinics and hospitals in Bauchi metropolitan.

3) Determine the quality of the personnel for implementing LSS in

clinics and hospitals in Bauchi metropolitan.

4) Determine community response in the implementation of LSS in

clinics and hospitals in Bauchi metropolitan.

5) Determine the strategies to be adopted to improve the

implementation of LSS in clinics and hospitals in Bauchi


Significant of the Study

The researcher will expand the knowledge of the researcher and

interested reader which many like to know more about LSS.

The study will also be beneficial to the midwives in all clinics and

hospitals in Bauchi metropolitan who will now be able to evaluate their

skills in performing the LSS techniques.

It will also be significant to government and non governmental

organisation in effecting polices and programmes on maternal and infant

related problems in order to achieve health for all by the year 2015 and

beyond. The realization of millennium development goals (MDGs) for


Research Questions

1) What are the facilities available for the implementation of LSS in

your clinics/hospitals?

2) What are the resources available for the implementation of LSS in

your clinics/hospitals?

3) How adequately trained are midwives/health personnel for

implementation of life saving skills in your clinics/hospitals?

4) What is the community response on the implementation of LSS in

your clinics/hospitals?

5) What are the strategies to be adopted to improve the

implementation of LSS in your clinics/hospitals?

Scope of the Study and Limitation

This project is restricted to all clinics and hospitals in Bauchi

metropolitan. The focus of the research is to evaluate the

implementation of LSS in the clinics and hospitals in Bauchi


Project Information

  • Price

    NGN 3,000
  • Pages

  • Chapters

    1 - 5
  • Program type

    national diploma (nd)

Additionnal content

Table of content
Cover page

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